Move WordPress Site to New Host | Step-by-Step Guide

Daniel Jackson
5 min readJan 9, 2022


Do you have a site dependent on WordPress that you really want to move to a new facilitating supplier? This might seem like something confounded to do. Nonetheless, our aide on a move WordPress site to another host will share the means you ought to follow to take care of business.

Steps To Do Before Moving WordPress Site to New Host
There are some planning steps that you ought to go through before you move your WordPress site to the new host. The size of your data set will decide the time taken for relocation. You can likewise clear reserve registries, eliminate reinforcements, and eliminate unused recordings, topics, and modules to diminish domain. By doing this, you can accelerate the movement interaction.
You should take stock of all substance that you have. That is on the grounds that you really want to ensure that all records are moved to the new host appropriately. It might be ideal assuming that you additionally took notes of the current topics. This is the place where you ought to go through the topic records and any remaining explicit increases to the code.

Another significant thing you ought to do is take stock of all organization assets. It would assist with zeroing in on the arrangements, including domain names, IP data, outside and inward DNS sections, and firewall access control records. In like manner, you should audit the JavaScript renditions and structures, which will empower a smooth change. You ought to reach out to your SSL authentication supplier and study the agreements connected with moving the site. To wrap things up, you ought to know about the size of your site. Assuming the size surpasses 1GB, you may have to move physically. That is on the grounds that your site will be too huge to even consider continuing with programmed movement.

1. Back Up Your Website Files
Presently you know how to plan before you move WordPress site to new host. Then, at that point, you ought to continue with sponsorship up the basic documents on your site. Startling things can occur as you move records. To experience any issues with absent or defiled documents, you should take reinforcements. You don’t need to stress over losing your information in such circumstances, as you can rapidly reestablish them from the reinforcements. You will actually want to take the reinforcements utilizing a FTP apparatus to your neighborhood area on the PC.

2. Send out the Database
The subsequent stage you ought to follow to move WordPress site to new host is to send out the data set. The information base is one of the most basic parts of the WordPress site. That is on the grounds that it contains the information of every one of your posts and pages. You will get to your data set by means of phpMyAdmin, accessible through the facilitating control board.
You should choose the specific data set of your WordPress site from the left-hand board and afterward click on the Export button that you can see on the menu bar. Guarantee that the commodity design is in SQL prior to continuing with the product. When you click on the “Go” button, you can get the data set commodity downloaded as a .sql document. You should keep it in a similar site envelope to continue with the relocation.

3. Making MySQL Database on New Host and Import Your WordPress Database
You should sign into the new host and use cPanel to get to “MySQL Databases.” This is the place where you will make another information base while involving a similar name as the old data set. Contingent upon the host you select, you will go over the need to add an obligatory prefix to the information base. Ensure that you cautiously change the name of the data set under such a circumstance.
Then, you can get to phpMyAdmin. Then, at that point, you can tap on import and continue with bringing in the SQL document. You should then open up the wp-config.php record, which you downloaded. You can look for the name of the information base again and change the worth of the data set name with another one.
As the following stage, you ought to make another information base client. You might tap on “Add New User” and do it. You can open up the wp-config.php document and change the client and secret key as liked. At long last, you should add the client to the made data set.

4. Import Your WordPress Site to the New Host
Presently you are finished with information base arrangement, and you might continue to move WordPress site to new host. This is the place where you can begin transferring the documents of the site. It might be ideal assuming that you associated with the new web have by means of a FTP instrument and afterward found the organizer where you will transfer the WordPress document. You will generally have to transfer documents into the “public_html” envelope. Ensure that you are likewise transferring the refreshed wp-config.php document.
This record transfer interaction may take some time, and it fluctuates dependent on the aggregate sum of documents you have. Guarantee that you don’t erase the documents from the neighborhood PC until you finish the record transfer process.

5. Update DNS
As you move WordPress site to new host, you ought to likewise refresh DNS. This is the place where you want to get to the DNS nameservers. Nonetheless, it might be ideal assuming you likewise ensured that the site clients are accepted to the new area as they enter the site URL on the program. You can move the area to the new host with the assistance of the domain recorder you chose. You should simply to refresh the nameservers. The nameservers would for the most part seem to be like and You can track down thorough aides on the web on the most proficient method to do this. You might follow such an aide and take care of business. You might call it from your domain enrollment organization assuming that you want any help.

6. Really look at This List After Transferring the WordPress Site to New Host
There are a couple of significant things you should check after finishing the movement. For instance, you ought to guarantee that all the Permalinks of pages and posts are accurately refreshed. You might check this by going to the Settings of your WordPress site and tapping on Permalinks. The posts, pages, and connections of the WordPress site should show accurately. You should search for broken connections and invest energy fixing them.

You can now erase the file records and the installer that you utilized. We don’t urge you to keep them as they can lead you to security issues. You will likewise have to keep a nearby reinforcement of the document, which you can utilize on the off chance that there is a need to switch the movement. Ensure that you additionally drop the old facilitating record to try not to get charged.



Daniel Jackson

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